Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To my Homies!

Just an update on the regular happenings' at the Powell's!
To start, we filled our freezer this last fall!

Hugh went deer hunting for some White Tail with his buddy Izaac in Minnesota. He bagged three deer and then came home and we took the whole fam out to hunt some Antelope! We both bagged one and Hugh got to brag about the size of his and I bragged about how I could shoot one, drop it dead at 430 yards! Seriously, the herd of Antelope just stood there looking around wondering what happened. They didn't know what it was till we started walking up to it!
Hugh had the Guys come over and helped with the meat processing. It was quite a chore! I am so thankful for great friends that are willing to get their hands dirty!

We also made some yummy meat sticks with some of it.

I even got some great peaches from my neighbors and we went Black Berry picking, I froze them.

I have been experimenting with some sugar free recipes and higher protein. This one is some Blue Berry muffins my kids love!

I have also perfected my "Brownie" recipe, which is actually a protein bar grain free, sugar free, and low carb!

I am no domestic diva but thanks to pinterest I have found it exciting to copy other peoples ideas. I made it for Libby's Halloween costume!, its a Tinkerbell costume I found on the web! Libby loved it and still plays with it

Colton was a mad scientist, he fit the part very well! I just forgot to take his pick. We sprayed green hair spray in his hair and made it stick strait up. He even wore a cool white lab coat and we made slime for him to keep an a very large test tube. It was so fun!

This spring semester I decided to take off from my schooling. Since Hugh has gone to work far away and I am left a single parent most of the month my grades have been falling. So, a break is needed till we figure something else out! Besides, nursing schools are tough and I need to be able to put some attention into it when I finally get in! Maybe next year? I also found a grey hair! had to take a pic of it.

Hugh has applied for the Idaho State Police and is jumping through their hoops in hopes for a secured job with benefits and to be able to be home. He is doing good so far, pray he keeps it up!

Colton is getting older and forming his own opinions of things. He is now getting picky about types of music he likes and how he looks. He use to not care. He is becoming so grown up and it is happening way to fast!

Libby is still, and forever, the baby. She is almost five but likes to pretend to be a baby. She loves to be held and cuddled (I love it to). I just hope she can clean her room by herself soon! She always scams Colton into doing it for her! He is such a nice brother to her.

Well, I think that's about it for now! Until next time peeps.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The year of the Rabbit (2011)

Skimming over this year Spring-Summer:
I am so sad summer is over but I also LOVE fall. I just hate winter so close. Winter is always hard here, not sure why, but it is. If it could be Fall for half the year then spring the other half I would be in love with Idaho, but it just doesn't work that way...so I "like" Idaho but my love is always Hawaii.

Here are some pics of things we did:

Libby figuring out Chutes and Ladders game

Colton mowing the Lawn for the first time ever!

Our new rental... it's a cute old farm house that has been remodeled inside!

Our yard is awesome! We have a tree swing and a trampoline...great for the kids.

Our wood pile I am very proud of, not an easy task to chop and stack! I only hope it lasts most of the winter.

Colton is growing like a weed, he has needed a whole new wardrobe for school and eats us out of house and home! He is discovering how math can be fun and still loves to try crazy science experiments!
Liberty is growing too...she loves pink and princesses! But she is also a tomboy, climbing on everything and collecting bugs is her forte!
Hugh and I are plugging along, I stay busy with school and the kids while Hugh is working crazy hours for weeks and then comes home for a little "R n R"... with hunting coming soon it will be filled with trips to the mountains! I can't wait for a full freezer!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Ok, its been a while since I paid any attention to this blog...you might have noticed. I have been crazy busy with school (no I'm still not done) and I Have had a few camera troubles.
These last few years have been the hardest of my life! I didn't want to blog about such negative things so I just didn't blog. Maybe my trials aren't that bad but for me they were.

After having to sell all my furniture to survive, move into my parents humble home, relocate Colton into a new school in the middle of the school year, and feeling completely lonely while Hugh treks off to North Dakota in his new job; I have learned to be more grateful, helpful, and less attached to temporary things. The law of sacrifice was more evident than ever before and the blessing I have since received have been beyond what I thought was possible. Not only my testimony has been strengthened but also my ability to know what is really important has given me an eternal perspective I have never known before.

One of my favorite quotes is; “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation; for, from the first existence of man, the faith necessary unto the enjoyment of life and salvation never could be obtained without the sacrifice of all earthly things. It was through this sacrifice, and this only, that God has ordained that men should enjoy eternal life” (Lectures on Faith, 69).

My goals are always evolving and this quote, along with my trials, reminds me that I will one day find joy in the eternities. We have been blessed with wonderful parents who put up with us for 8 very long months, friends that are irreplaceable, and love for one another. Here are a few pics from the last few months.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My "other" site

Check out my "other" site. I have published a few papers I have written for school on it and you might enjoy my point of view on the issues I wrote about. Make coments and let me know if you liked it! Thanks.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The girls!

This is Emi, Libby, and Bella(The Cousins)at the baptism. They were so cute!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010


For what ever the reason, I cannot up load any pics at this time. Check back later for them. Sorry, I am having technical difficulties.
